Nicholi's Intellectual Odyssey
Iām driven by the prospect of architecting the digital infrastructure of the future. Lately I've been delving into compressed sensing, computer vision, multi-agent coordination, ML compilers, ML infrastructure and resource constrained deployment of AI models
Get in TouchUnderstanding Deep Learning Solutions
My attempt at an unofficial, comprehensive solution set for the book "Understanding Deep Learning"...
We build autodifferentiation (AD) from the ground up. Having a deep understanding of AD is essential for deep learning research...
Convolutions of Grandeur
A dive into computer vision via Convolutional Neural Networks and how the Winograd Convolution is implemented...
Take Heed of the Hydra
Implementing Multi-Head Attention and Optimized Matrix Multiplication via Strassen's Algorithm...
Compilers Pt. 2: Parsers
Context Free Grammars, Parse Trees, and more are covered here...
Compilers Pt. 1: Scanners
Some background on scanners, regular expressions, and finite automata and builds upon that to implement a simple scanner for the C0 language....
Compiler Design & Implementation
The start of a hands-on excursion into the enigmatic and obscure world of compilers...
Why Rust?
A short piece on how Rust helped me fall in love with computers...
On the Decomposition of Square Matrices
An extracurricular paper I wrote for an introductory Linear Algebra course...
Miscellaneous CS Quotes
An amalgamation of neat computer-related quotes I've collected over time...
Paul Graham Essay Excerpts
Paul Graham's essays on his blog are filled with loads of great insight on startups...
The Story of Civilization
Quotes from seminal work of history by Will and Ariel Durant...
Quotes from Dune by Frank Herbert. Great movie, even greater book...
Napoleon: A Life
Quotes I enjoyed from Andrew Roberts' book on Napoleon Bonaparte...
Caesar: Life of a Colossus
Quotes I enjoyed from Adrian Goldsworthy's book on Julius Caesar...
Alexander of Macedon
Quotes I enjoyed from Peter Green's book on Alexander the Great...